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Curriculum Maps

The Glossary of Educational Reform explains that educators map a curriculum to ensure that what students are actually taught matches the academic expectations in a particular subject area or grade level. We have aimed for a well organized curriculum free of gaps and needless repetitions, and aligned across lessons, courses, subject areas, and grade levels.

Our professional staff uses the content, skills and recommended resources defined in these maps in their planning. Unit assessments, as well as state and local measures, are incorporated into a balanced plan that enables teachers to monitor student progress.  Maps are revised regularly based on New York State mandates as well as reflections of District staff.  The goal is to maximize achievement within the context of preparing each student for college and career success.

Our web host for our maps is Rubicon Atlas. The site offers visitors filtered searches to expedite browsing any maps of interest. After clicking the link below, click the word “browse” next to the logo on the top left.

View high school curriculum maps