Safety is the top priority for the district’s transportation office. Our buses travel 1.7 million miles each year, transporting students to and from school, special education programs, career and technical education courses, field trips and athletic competitions. Our contractor ensures that our buses meet all safety standards and that our drivers meet all New York State and Federal licensing and training requirements.
2025-26 School Year - Private/Parochial Transportation Request Information
- General Information Letter
- Private School Transportation On-Line Submittal Instructions
- Private / Parochial School Transportation Application for 2025-26
General Information Letter
Suffern Central School District’s electronic version of the transportation request form with instructions for next school year are available below. For your convenience
this packet was also emailed to your school on January 21, 2025.
We ask that you provide these instructions and a copy of our Private School Transportation request form to NEW enrollees only, as we will be sending this information to students already registered for transportation with our district. Please remind parents to complete this form and return it to our office by the State mandated April 1st deadline.
Our office strongly recommends that parents submit via email to, as this will ensure proof of our receipt.
For the 2025-2026 school year, our District will only
accept private transportation request forms that we receive by April 1, 2025, which is the State mandated deadline. When handing out this information to parents, it is important that you remind them that their requests must be submitted directly to our office by this deadline, or they will jeopardize their child’s bus transportation for the 2025-2026 school
year. As you know, our School District’s budget for 2025-2026 must be finalized in April
and the number of vehicles servicing your school will be based upon the number of requests received.
Also, it is important that you advise any new families who establish residency in our District that they must submit their written requests within 30 days to our office or they will jeopardize receiving transportation services.
Remember to forward a copy of your school calendar once finalized for the next school year to our attention as soon as possible. All scheduling changes should be faxed to the bus company at (845) 369-3546 and our office via e-mail or by fax at (845) 357-3073 before April 1, 2025. A copy of our 2025-2026 school calendar will be forwarded once it is finalized by our Board of Education along with information on non-transportation days.
Thank you for your assistance.
Transportation Office
Private School Transportation On-Line Submittal Instructions
For the 2025-26 school year, our District will only accept private transportation request forms that we receive by April 1, 2025, which is the State mandated deadline. Our District will only receive late requests from new families who establish residency and make a request within 30 days to our District.Private / Parochial School Transportation Request forms are to be completed online and submitted electronically via email to the District. Request forms are available below.
To access and complete the Private School Request form you will need to have an Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and one of the following internet browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google, or Internet Explorer. If you do not have an Adobe PDF viewer, you may download it here.
Who Must Register:
- Students currently registered for district transportation must submit a new request form by the April 1st deadline for the following September.
- New residents must submit their request(s) within 30 days of moving into the district and provide Proof of Residency documentation.
- New enrollee (including siblings or Kindergarteners) requests must include a copy of child’s birth certificate.
- After completing request, you must click the "Save to Computer" button to store document on your computer and email to to complete the registration process.
- Step by step instructions for completing the requests are available below.
Important Browser Information:
Using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox – You must use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to fill out the PDF form otherwise you may run into any number of problems while completing and submitting the form.
Best Option: Open the transportation request form from the district webpage and save to your desktop; or, if an option from your browser, click the “pdf” button or “open with a different viewer” (select open with Adobe Acrobat) on the right side of address bar when opening the website form. Open form using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC only.
Completing Form:
Open transportation request form using the above instructions. If you are prompted to open with a different viewer, please select Adobe Reader or Acrobat.
1. Enter the current date using format MM/DD/YYYY.
2. Enter your child’s legal last name and first name.
3. Enter your child’s date of birth, using format MM/DD/YYYY.
4. Enter your child’s age.
5. Select your child’s gender. You must click the appropriate button.
6. Enter your home phone number.
7. Enter your home address including street address, city and zip code.
8. Enter your mother’s name with cell number and email address.
9. Enter father’s name with cell number and email address.
10. Enter emergency contact’s name, phone number and relation to child.
11. Enter the legal name of the private school to be attended.
12. Enter the private school’s phone number.
13. Enter the private school’s address including street address, city, state and zip code.
14. Enter the grade your child will be entering in September.
15. Enter the first day of school for your child at the requested school.
16. Enter the arrival and dismissal bell times for the school of attendance.
17. Select appropriate button informing district if your child currently rides a district school bus.
18. Electronically sign the form attesting that the information you entered is true, accurate, and complete by typing your name on the line provided.
19. Print Name.
20. It is important to SAVE or PRINT a copy of each request when complete.
21. Click the SAVE button to save your child’s transportation request to your desktop or selected file location. Next you need to open your email account. Attach the saved transportation request form to an email and submit to the district at
22. You may RESET the form to complete a new request for a sibling. This button will clear child specific fields only. Once you reset the request form and have filled in the sibling’s information, follow steps 20 & 21 to submit your additional request for transportation. Remember to save each child’s request to your desktop using a different file name to avoid losing individual information.
New Student Registration Documentation Submittal:
All new enrollees for district transportation need to provide student and household information detailed below to complete request. This documentation may be submitted by mailing to the district transportation office: Suffern Central Schools, Transportation Office, 45 Mountain Avenue, Hillburn, NY 10931; emailing to; or via fax 845-357-3073. If emailing, documents need to be scanned and emailed. The district is not able to accept jpeg or other image file formats.
Student Information:
Proof of Date of Birth: Birth Certificate
Household Information / Proof of Residence:
Homeowner: Deed and Schedule A Description
Renter/Tenant: Lease (dated/signed by landlord)
And one of the following:
- Current gas and electric/oil bill (Orange & Rockland)
- Current landline home telephone (No Cell Phones)
- Current water bill
- Current Cable TV/Digital TV bill (Cablevision, Direct TV, Verizon or other)
- Current broadband/internet service provider bill (Verizon or other)
Explanation for Late Submittal:
Any request submitted after the April 1st deadline must include a letter explaining why the request was late.
New Families and Establishing Residency: When not residing in the district on April 1, new residents have 30 days after establishing residency to submit a written request to the District.
Private / Parochial School Transportation Application for 2025-26
Important Links and Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Suffern Middle School Late Bus Schedule
- Suffern High School Late Bus Schedule
- Instructions for Day Care / Alternate Site Transportation Request
- Day Care / Alternate Site Transportation Request Form
- Private / Parochial School Transportation Request 2024-25 School Year
- Handbook on Private / Parochial School Transportation
Frequently Asked Questions
Transportation Department Frequently Asked Questions
Bus passes are mailed by the third week of August for the new school year. Information includes bus stop location, pick-up and drop-off times, and bus safety rules. Please take time to review all bus pass information with your child before the first day of school.
Late buses depart from Suffern Middle School each school day at 3:45 pm and 4:45 pm. Late buses run from Suffern High School between 4:15 pm and 5:45 pm. Late buses do not stop at every assigned bus stop – our drivers use a pooling method where several bus stops will be combined into one central stop location. Click here to view a list of SMS late buses, and here for SHS late buses.
To request transportation to a location other than a child’s registered residence, a Request for Day Care Transportation Form must be received by the transportation office no later than April 1st for the next school year. A request must be filed each year.
To request transportation to a private school, a Request for Private School Transportation Form must be received by the transportation office no later than April 1st for the next school year. New residents must file within 30 days after April 1st, but no later than August 1st. A request must be submitted each year even if your child remains at the same school.
Items left on the school bus, if found by the driver, will be held on the bus for the student to collect or turned in at the Lost and Found at the bus garage. Items not claimed within 30 days will be discarded.
There is no food or drink allowed on the bus.
Snow closings and early dismissals impact student transportation. Please note the following procedures regarding school closures and/or delays due to inclement weather:
1. If Suffern Central Schools are closed, NO bus service will be provided for non-public school students.
2. On days when the opening of district schools is delayed by two hours, all Suffern Central school buses will follow the same delayed schedule. Your child’s bus pick-up time will be moved forward depending on the length of the delay. An example would be that if the district announced a two-hour delay and your child is normally picked up at 8:25 am; your child’s delayed opening pick-up time would be 10:25 am. Remember that delayed openings do not extend our regular dismissal time, so please be at your child’s afternoon bus stop as assigned. Suffern Central is not on a two-hour delay, but other districts and private schools are, a two-hour delay will apply for the schools opening late.
3. If there is a need to close schools early, all Suffern Central school buses will pick up early, as directed.
Non-Transportation Days: There will be certain days on which Suffern Central does not provide transportation to non-public schools. Transportation to all non-public schools will be provided only on days when the School District is in session as set forth in the calendar adopted by the Board of Education. Please refer to our district school days calendar and additional non-transportation day information detailed below:
Days prior to September 4, 2024 / All Saturdays and Sundays / Days after June 27, 2025
On days when Suffern Central is not providing bus service, families will have to make alternative transportation arrangements to and from their school.
Authorized Riders on District School Buses: Guests and other unauthorized riders will not be permitted on Suffern Central school buses. Only district employees, school bus personnel, emergency personnel and authorized chaperones are permitted to board a district school bus.
Suffern Middle School Late Bus Schedule
Suffern High School Late Bus Schedule
Instructions for Day Care / Alternate Site Transportation Request
Suffern Central School District Alternate Site / Day Care Transportation Request
Alternate Site/ Day Care Transportation Request forms are to be completed online and submitted electronically via email to the District. These forms are available below or by clicking here.
All alternate site / day care requests must be received by the Suffern CSD by the State mandated April 1st deadline. Requests received after deadline run the risk of not being approved for district transportation. To access and complete the Alternate Site/ Day Care Request form you will need to have an Adobe Acrobat reader DC and one of the following internet browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google or Internet Explorer. If you do not have an Adobe PDF viewer, you may download it here.
Important Browser Information: Using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google-You must use Adobe Reader or Acrobat to fill out the PDF form otherwise you may run into any number of problems while completing.
Best Option: Open the day care request form from the district webpage and save to your desktop; or, if an option from your browser, click the "pdf" button or "open with a different viewer" (select open with Adobe Acrobat) on the right side of address bar when opening the website form. Open form using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC only.
Completing Form: Open the day care request form using the above instructions. Once the request form is opened, if you are prompted to open with a different viewer, please select Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, and complete the following:
1. Enter the current date
2. Enter the child's legal first name and last name.
3. Enter the home phone number.
4. Enter the name of the school your child attends.
5. Enter the grade your child will be entering in September.
6. Enter the child's date of birth and the child's age.
7. Select the child's gender. You must click appropriate button.
8. Enter the home address including street address, city and zip code.
9. Enter parent's name, cell# and email address.
10. Enter alternate parent's name, cell # and email address.
11. Enter emergency contact information for child including name, phone # and relationship.
12. Enter legal name of the child care provider and their phone number.
13. Enter the child care provider's address including street address, city and zip code.
14. Enter the first day child will be located at day care / alternate site.
15. Enter days of the week child will be attending provider's site.
16. Select the requested schedule for before school, after school or both before & after school.
17. Electronically sign the form attesting that the information you entered is true, accurate, and complete by typing name on line provided. Print Name.
18. It is important to SAVE or PRINT a copy of each request when complete.
19. Click the SAVE button to save your child's transportation request to your desktop or selected file location. Next you need to open your email account. Attach the saved transportation request form to an email and submit to the district at
20. You may RESET the form to add a sibling. This button will clear child specific fields only. Once you reset the request form and have filled in the sibling's information, follow steps 18 & 19 to submit your additional request for day care transportation. Remember to save each child's request to your desktop using a different file name to avoid losing individual information.
Day Care / Alternate Site Transportation Request Form
Private / Parochial School Transportation Request 2024-25 School Year
Handbook on Private / Parochial School Transportation
Transportation Office Hours:
M-F 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Phone: 845-357-7783 x11286
Contact Chestnut Ridge Transportation at: