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Physical Education & Health

Physical Education

The goal of the Suffern High School Physical Education Department is to provide our students with learning experiences that foster life-long personal health and fitness.  Participation in Physical Education is vital to the acquisition of skills and behaviors (physical and affective) needed to sustain an active, healthy and productive physical life.

All SHS Physical Education courses incorporate the New York State Health, Physical Education, and Home Economics Learning Standards that provide the major focus and direction for all our programs.  These learning standards are:

  • Standard 1. Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity and maintain personal health.
  • Standard 2. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
  • Standard 3. Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

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School & State Physical Education Requirements

All students must satisfactorily complete two credits of P/E to meet graduation requirements. Students must be enrolled in a full year Physical Education program starting in September and finishing in June.  Students are expected and required to:

  • be in attendance and participate in all required activities.
  • be properly dressed for each class
  • be responsible to make up classes when absences become excessive
  • provide written notice when medical reasons prevent participation.
  • parent or guardian’s excused absences are acceptable for up to three (3) consecutive days excuses beyond a three-day period require authorization from a doctor’s office, with the appropriate form completed and submitted to the Nurse’s office in a timely manner.

Students will be scheduled in semester Physical Education classes that meet on alternate days.

PE Final Exam Review Sheets


Students are required to successfully complete one half-credit of Health Education to meet graduation requirements from New York State public high schools.  The curriculum in the SHS health education course parallels the state learning standards in health education according to the New York State Guidance Document. The SHS state mandated health education course is standards based, skills driven, research based, learner centered, and authentic. The goal of the course is to assist students in gaining a deeper understanding of knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to achieve health and wellness.

  • Standard 1. Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity and maintain personal health.
  • Standard 2. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
  • Standard 3. Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

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Health Courses


Grades 11-12 | ½ credit

Health Education is a required one-semester course for all students. Course topics will focus on lifestyle health issues. Topics include but are not limited to principles of health and wellness, mental and emotional health, nutrition, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, misuse, and abuse, drunk and drugged driving, pregnancy and childbirth, dating violence, sexual assault, gender stereotypes, relationships, dating, sexual decision making, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV. Making positive lifestyle choices is emphasized is an effort to achieve vitality in one’s life. Students will be expected and encouraged to actively participate in all class discussions and activities.  

Online Health

Grade 12 | ½ credit

Online Health is offered to seniors who cannot fit the required Health credit into their schedule.  Registered students must have a complete schedule without any study halls.  This class mirrors the traditional course. The course is student driven as assignments are posted on a weekly basis and are designed to meet the same demand as the traditional classroom forum.  Writing will be emphasized in this course to ensure comprehension and understanding. Course topics include but are not limited to principles of health and wellness, mental and emotional health, nutrition, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, misuse, and abuse, drunk and drugged driving, pregnancy and childbirth, dating violence, sexual assault, gender stereotypes, relationships, dating, sexual decision making, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV. Making positive lifestyle choices is emphasized is an effort to achieve vitality in one’s life. Students will be expected and encouraged to actively participate in all class discussions and activities.