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Digital Collections & Primary Resources

New York State Digital Collections & Primary Resources

Many libraries are actively involved in building institutional repositories of their books, papers, theses, and other works which can be digitized or were ‘born digital’. Many of these repositories are made available to the general public with few restrictions, in accordance with the goals of open access, in contrast to the publication of research in commercial journals, where the publishers often limit access rights. New York
Digital Culture of Metropolitan New York
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Harvest of History
Hudson River Valley Heritage
New Netherland Institute
New York Heritage
New York Public Library
New York State Archives
New York State Library
New-York Historical Society Library
New-York Historical Society Museum
Westchester County Archives

New York State Historical Newspapers

Hudson River Valley Heritage Historical Newspapers
NYS Historic Newspapers
Old Fulton New York Post Cards

New York State Visual Art Collections

Brooklyn Museum
Hudson Valley Visual Art Collections Consortium
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Museum of Modern Art

National Digital Collections & Primary Resources

Digital Public Library of America
Library of Congress
National Archives
National Archives 100 Milestones in American History