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Library Media

Modern libraries would be unrecognizable to students from 30 years ago. We still have books on shelves for our visitors, but we now rely heavily on electronics and digitally stored information for most research. Gone are drawers of bibliographic index cards, replaced by computer workstations and mobile devices. Please see our list of digital resources in the left navigation, including login information.

Although students and teachers research topics in multiple subject areas, the library collections also act as a valuable  resource for more personal projects like career education. To decide whether a career is right for you, you have to learn more about it. Career research means learning about the work you would do, the education, skills and training required for the job, typical salary and benefits, types of employers, and the job outlook for that profession.

The library also offers a variety of services to aid document preparation, like large format printing and lamination. Be sure to check the “Library Services” for complete details.

Dominick Martiniello

As a Teacher & Librarian, I’m available to collaborate with implementing curriculum and instruction which support the various functions of a Library Media Center. I enjoy creating a positive teaching and learning culture and will be glad to assist you with any knowledge & information management needs. Please visit in person or contact me via e-mail.

Mr. Martiniello, MBA, MLIS
Library Information Specialist
Mr. Martiniello’s personal website
(845) 357-3800 Ext. 41-303