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FACS-Family and Consumer Science

The world as we know it continues to dramatically change.  Patterns of family living, changing workplace settings and demands, the ever-increasing economic impact of quality health care, and concern for our fragile environment are some of the major issues our society will face.

The goal of Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) education is to help all students develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to take charge of their lives and to become productive and meaningful citizens in a democratic society.

Family and Consumer Sciences will assist students in further becoming caring, competent, and confident adults who understand the interrelationships of business and families and can successfully balance the important responsibilities of both. The Family and Consumer Sciences program incorporates courses from the Culinary Arts and Human Development clusters.

Family and Consumer Sciences is designed to provide students with the basic skills necessary for the lifelong benefits of being a responsible family and societal member, as well as comprehensive study for those wishing to major in the field.

All SHS Family and Consumer Sciences incorporate the New York State Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Science Learning Standards that provide the major focus and direction for all our programs. These learning standards are:

Standard 1. Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.

Standard 2. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Standard 3. Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

For course offerings, click here