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AVID takes students with the potential and determination to go to college and places them in the rigorous courses required to get into four-year universities. In the AVID elective course, students are taught the skill sets (Solid note taking, organization, public speaking, responsibility) necessary to be successful in those rigorous courses.  The students are supported throughout the day by core academic teachers who reinforce the AVID strategies learned in the AVID elective course. AVID impacts students schoolwide as academic strategies like writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organizational skills, and critical reading (WICOR ) are taught in all AVID classes by teachers who have been trained to use AVID strategies in specific content areas. AVID creates an atmosphere of positive peer pressure for the students, so that they push each other to strive for success rather than perpetuating failure.

Click here for the SHS Avid site
