Math Course Descriptions
Math Course Descriptions
Regents Algebra 1 (1 credit)
Regents Algebra I is the first course in the mathematics sequence at Suffern High School. Each of the courses in the sequence is designed to unify various branches of mathematics and to incorporate the principles of the NYS Common Core Learning Standards. Algebra, functions, as well as topics from logic, statistics, and probability are included in the first year of study. There is an increased emphasis on problem solving and applications in context. Students are encouraged to express mathematical concepts and results graphically, analytically, and verbally. All students will take the Algebra I CC Regents examination at the conclusion of the course.
Regents/Honors Geometry (1 credit)
Regents and Honors Geometry provide a continuation of the course of study as described in Regents/Honors Algebra I. Topics include the study of geometric relationships, informal and formal proof, transformational geometry, coordinate geometry, constructions, scale drawings, 3D objects, and algebraic applications. Honors Geometry provides selected students with the same topics as Regents Geometry but treated in more depth and in a more rigorous manner. Additional topics will be included as time permits. All students will take the Geometry CC Regents examination at the conclusion of the course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1. Teacher and department chair recommendation are required for Honors Geometry.
Geometry (1 credit)
This geometry course covers many of the topics that are covered in Regents Geometry, but at a slower pace. It will culminate in a school final exam in lieu of the Regents exam. This course will focus on the study of geometric relationships and their algebraic applications. Some topics include transformational geometry, coordinate geometry, constructions, and 3D objects. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1. Teacher and department chair recommendation are required for this course.
Regents/Honors Algebra II (1 credit)
Regents and Honors Algebra II provide a continuation of the course of study as described in Regents and Honors Geometry as well as Algebra I. Additional topics include complex numbers, relations, polynomial functions, logarithms, trigonometry, probability and statistics. Honors Algebra II provides selected students with the same topics as Regents Algebra II but treated in more depth and rigor. Additional topics will be included as time permits. All students will take the Algebra II CC Regents examination at the conclusion of the course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry and a passing grade on the Geometry Regents exam. Teacher and department chair recommendations are required for Honors Algebra II.
Regents Algebra IIA (1 credit)
Regents Algebra IIA provides a continuation of the course of study as described in Regents Geometry as well as Algebra I. However, Regents Algebra IIA is the first course of a two-year sequence which covers the topics found in the Regents Algebra II curriculum. The purpose of this course is to pace the instruction in order to prepare the students to take the Algebra II CC Regents exam at the conclusion of Regents Algebra IIB. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry and a passing grade on the Geometry Regents exam.
College Prep Math I (1 credit)
College Prep Math I provides students with a combination of certain topics from the Algebra II syllabus as well as an extension and reinforcement of topics from the Geometry syllabus. This course is designed to prepare students for an introductory college math class but does not lead to a Regents exam in Algebra II. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry.
Regents Algebra IIB (1 credit)
Regents Algebra IIB provides students a continuation of the topics from Regents Algebra IIA. All students will take the Algebra II CC Regents exam at the conclusion of the course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Regents Algebra IIA.
College Prep Math II (1 credit)
College Prep Math II provides students a continuation of the topics from College Prep Math I as well as a further reinforcement and enhancement of algebra skills. Prerequisite: Successful completion of College Prep Math I.
Business Math (1 credit)
Grades 11-12
This course is designed for 11th and 12th graders to fulfill their 3rd year math requirement. The emphasis will be on the practical, everyday use of math as they will need it in the world of business. Subjects covered will include: money records (check writing and bank reconciliations), and commissions. Budgeting and buying, borrowing money (interest on loans), saving money (interest on savings) investing (stocks, bonds, and other options), purchasing vs. renting, taxes, and insurance are other topics to be covered. This is an opportunity for students to put their previous math theory skills to work for the practical side for their future.
College Pre-Calculus Honors (1 credit)
This course will provide students with the study of Real and Transcendental functions and their graphs. This also includes units in trigonometry that are not covered in Algebra II. Limits, continuity, and differentiation are also covered in the last quarter in order to prepare students planning to study Advanced Placement Calculus. Students can elect to take this course for college credit through SUNY Albany (AMAT 100 – Precalculus). Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Algebra II or teacher recommendation from Regents Algebra 2.
College Pre-Calculus (1 credit)
This course will provide students with an in-depth study of functions, including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Other topics include theory of equations and analytic geometry. Students can elect to take this course for college credit through SUNY Albany (AMAT 100 – Precalculus). Prerequisite: Successful completion of Regents Algebra II.
AP Statistics (1 credit)
The course curriculum will cover topics in the four broad conceptual themes of exploring data, planning a study, anticipating patterns and statistical inference that are intrinsic to successfully completing the required Advanced Placement exam in this subject. Students are responsible for all fees associated with the AP exam. Prerequisite: Regents/Honors Algebra II with a minimum final average of B (83%).
College Calculus I (1 credit)
This course offers an introduction to differential and integral calculus at a slower pace than the Advanced Placement course and does not require students to take the Advanced Placement exam. Emphasis is placed on the basic concepts and their applications, and requires extensive use of the graphing calculator. Prerequisite: College Precalculus or College Precalculus Honors. Students can elect to take this course for college credit through SUNY Albany (AMAT 112 – Calculus I).
AP Calculus AB (1 credit)
The course curriculum will cover application of the derivative, integral calculus, techniques of integration, the definite integral, and applications of the integral and will culminate in students being required to take the Advanced Placement exam in this subject. Students are responsible for all fees associated with the AP exam. Prerequisite: Successful completion of College Pre-calculus Honors or College Pre-Calculus with a final average of A- or better.
AP Calculus BC (1 credit)
Calculus BC includes all topics covered in Calculus AB plus additional topics. Additional topics include the analysis of planar curves given in parametric, polar, and vector form, additional techniques of antidifferentiation (parts, partial fractions, and improper integrals), and the study of polynomial approximations and infinite series. This course is the equivalent of two typical college calculus courses. Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam and are responsible for all fees associated with the exam. Prerequisite: Successful completion of College Precalculus-Honors.
SAT/ACT Prep (1⁄2 credit)
Grades 10-12
The goal of this course is to help students prepare for both the SAT and the ACT exam. Students will rotate between an English and a Math teacher in two week blocks to ensure that all areas of the test are covered. Prerequisite: Regents/Honors Geometry.