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English as a New Language

The curriculum and instruction in all ENL classes are aligned with the English as a New Language and English Language Arts Standards, taking into consideration the needs of English Language Learners at various levels of English proficiency.  Students exit the program upon achieving a proficient  score on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT).  Students who exit the program with a score of Commanding receive services for two years beyond their exit date.

District BiLingual Education Services

ENL Entering                                                                                           1 credit

This course is designed for students whose native language is not English and who have very limited proficiency in English.  The course focuses on the beginning development of the four language modalities, composed of reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as content area support.

ENL Emerging                                                                                          1 credit

This course is designed for students whose native language is not English, yet demonstrate some ability to communicate in English in oral and written form.  This is an intermediate level language development course.  Instruction focuses on the development of the four language modalities through the use of both fiction and non-fiction as well as content area support.

ENL Content Area Support                                                                  1 credit

This course is designed to provide intense support in English. Math, Social Studies and Science.  Students who are at the entering and emerging levels of language proficiency are required to take this course for academic content area support.  Instruction is scaffolded and provided in the student’s native language, when possible, for clarification and explanation.